The 50 Plus Talk!
Celebrating and Exploring 5 Remarkable Decades of Music, Pop Culture and Social Justice Movements!

Baby  Boomer

Leigh Broadway - The 50 Plus Talk!

The 50 Plus Talk! is a celebration of the brilliant contributions of the Baby Boomer generation. If you were born between 1946-1964, you are blessed to be a part of this gifted and iconic generation. Baby Boomers reveled in a phenomenal music scene, and revolutionary cutting-edge fashions. We watched with awe as the space race progressed, and searched the world relentlessly for true spiritual enlightenment. Our generation witnessed the turbulent civil rights movement, and experienced a tumultuous political landscape during the late 1950s' through the mid 1970s'.

If you are a Baby Boomer, you marched with conviction in a civil rights protest, fought for the right to vote, became an activist in the women's rights movement or flew halfway around the world to volunteer in the Peace Corps. If you are a Baby Boomer, you may be one of the countless brave men and women who served heroically in a foreign war, only to return home to a divided nation.

If you are a Baby Boomer, and a flower child of the 60s', you wandered the world in search of inner peace and the true meaning of love. One glorious day you heard a message that changed your life forever, and you made a decision to surrender your heart to Jesus.

If you are a Baby Boomer and a child of the 70s', you once relished the idea of getting decked out in your groovy, faded bell bottom blue jeans and your shiny, sky high platform shoes. If you are a Baby Boomer, you were inspired by the idea of learning the latest version of the Hustle or the Bump, and disco dancing until dawn to the driving rhythms of a disco beat!

If you are a Baby Boomer, you became a groupie and followed your favorite rock band across the country in your VW Van after your high school graduation. If you are a Baby Boomer, you played acoustic guitar and sang folk songs in a local coffee shop, hoping to be discovered and become the next Joni Mitchell or Sweet Baby James.

If you are a Baby Boomer and a child of the 80s', you were consumed with your big hair and you thought, you looked, like, totally radical in your mullet hairstyle, or your whale spout ponytail tied up with a multi-colored scrunchie! If you are a Baby Boomer, you never missed an episode of the popular TV show Fame, and never left home without your favorite pair of awesome legwarmers! If you are a Baby Boomer, you were obsessed with the hit movie Flashdance, and danced all night like a maniac, maniac on the dance floor!

If you are a Baby Boomer, you are now in your middle years, caring for an elderly parent, a wounded warrior, a special needs child, or a spouse, who needs your love, time, patience and compassion. If you are a Baby Boomer, you are striving for a balance between caring for a loved one and self-care.

The civil rights movement, the voting rights movement, the women's rights movement, the Jesus movement, social justice movements, and finally, the family caregivers movement.

Baby Boomers have lived and thrived through 50 extraordinary years. The time has come for our generation to create unique and practical solutions to help our loved ones and ourselves, age well, and live out our lives with purpose, dignity and grace.

Leigh Broadway

The 50 Plus Talk!

Copyright 2013

Our Story

1st John 2:17 "The world and its
 desires fade away, but the
 man who does the will of
 God lives forever."


Photographs and Memories
The 411